snuffle mats for dogs

Are you looking for a long-lasting, entertaining toy for your dog? A Snuffle Mat might be the answer to your doggy prayers!

What is a Snuffle Mat for dogs?

snuffle mat is a homemade toy that provides the dog with an opportunity to sniff and search for hidden treats. A snuffle mat consists of fleece strips tied on to a rubber mat with holes in it. The loose ends of the fleece are on top and provide the hiding spots for the treats. A snuffle mat is an interactive work-to-eat dog toy provides entertainment, enrichment, and mental stimulation for dogs as they search, sniff, and snuffle their way to find the hidden treats you place in advance.

How do you use a Snuffle Mat for dogs?

Take a handful or cupful of your dog’s favorite treats, kibble, etc., and sprinkle throughout the snuffle mat. Initially, make it easier by placing the treats right at the top of the mat. Snuffle mats are a great way to help your dog relieve boredom and expend energy – all while keeping them entertained and you sane!

Is a Snuffle Mat good for dogs?

Yes! “Our research shows that the slow process of methodically searching and reaching for food, combined with the mental focus needed to do so, causes the digestive track to secrete more enzymes, resulting in greater chemical reaction within the body while breaking down foods. Brain scans were taken throughout the entire eating time [a 15 minute average] and we were blown away. We were shocked by the success of the results, and quickly began using this new method for all of our treatments.”​  -The Calgary Association of Digestive Health and Research (CADHR)

A Snuffle Mat dog toy helps defeat boredom and decrease stress, which means less chance of your dog becoming frustrated, anxious, or destructive… potentially leading to undesirable behavior problems and owner stress.   

Providing your dog with an appropriate outlet for his or her excess energy will not only tire him or her out but challenge your dog’s mind and increase confidence levels. A satisfied, less-stressed dog, means a happier, less-stressed owner.

Which is the best Snuffle Mat for dogs?

These are a few of our favorite Snuffle Mats that your dog is bound to love!

PetCUTE Snuffle Mat ($49.99)

This Snuffle Mat is made from sustainably handcrafted anti-pilling soft fleece, machine washable, easy to store when not in use. It comes in two sizes and has different elements to keep your dog entertained.

Blesiya Dog Snuffle Mat ($21.99)

This Snuffle Mat is made from felt and waterproof nylon, making it safe and durable for use. It is a smaller mat more suitable for little dog breeds.

Lemonda Pet Dog Snuffle Mat ($32.99)

The soft cotton of the Snuffle Mat gives a grass-like feel and is gentle on your pet’s sensitive face. You can throw this mat into the washing machine and forget about it as it is machine washable and dryer safe.

Auoker Dog Snuffle Mat ($54)

This Snuffle Mat is made of soft flannel making it environmentally friendly, easy to clean, machine washable, foldable and easy to carry.

Legendog Dog Snuffle Mat ($25)

This Snuffle Mat is made of polar fleece and cotton material, making it high quality and non-toxic. It is fully washable and you can hide toys or snacks in the blanket and let your dog sniff them out for long-lasting entertainment.

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